Progressive Insurance Claim System

Car insurance safeguards your car against any financial loss that may occur in case of an accident or any event unfortunate. It is a contract between the car owner and the insurance company for protecting the interest of the policyholder against monetary loss due to car damage. The roads are uncertain and keeping this in mind, car insurance has been made mandatory in India. Owning a car is exciting but it is also important to keep it secured with insurance given the rise of vehicles on the roads and accidents as well. A car insurance policy comes to rescue when and lowers the cost of damage or repair significantly.

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Types of car insurance we offer

Third-Party liability

This plan protects against the claims made by the third party like the driver of the other vehicle, passengers or owner of the other vehicle, pedestrians, etc. This plan is specifically designed to provide the policyholder cover against the claims made for any bodily damage or injuries to the third party and the damage caused to the vehicle. This is a mandatory policy for all vehicles in India.

Comprehensive Car Cover

This insurance policy comes with higher protection for the vehicle insured. The advantage of buying this insurance policy is that this policy protects the policyholder and covers own vehicle damage due to accident, fire, theft, vandalism, etc. This policy also includes third party liability. Added benefits and features are also provided under this plan which makes it one of the best plans for car insurance.

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